SSDT & SSDT shadow restore
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APK 분석 하다 폰을 루팅할 일이 있어 구글링을 해보았더니
optiusforums.com에서 루팅관련 글을 발견할 수 있었다.
root.bat 파일을 열어보니
adb shell touch /sdcard/g_security
요거 한줄 뿐이 없음.
정체를 알수 없는 파일이 실행되는 게 아니라서 한번 해보았는데 바로 루팅이 됨 -_-b
업데이트로 언제 막힐지는 모르지만 좀 짱인듯
readme.txt 파일에는 요렇게 적혀 있다ㅋㅋ
if you are a lg official developer,please don't fix the bug.if you do that,i promise,next time,only few customers will buy yours phones.thanks.
LG Optimus G Pro Root (
SSDT & SSDT shadow restore (0) | 2014.02.12 |
Linux Oracle GUI client (0) | 2013.05.15 |
Ubuntu 12.10 에서 libboost1.48-all-dev 가 설치 되지 않을 때 (3) | 2013.02.14 |
how to set debug environment for android (0) | 2012.09.14 |
oracle sql injection with rownum (0) | 2011.09.01 |
Shellcode site (0) | 2009.09.29 |
hey JJAAPPPHH ~ (4) | 2009.08.17 |
hey JaPH (1) | 2009.08.12 |
6회 kisa 해킹방어대회 6번 (0) | 2009.07.09 |
ABI (Application Binary Interface) (0) | 2009.03.17 |
pentest 할 때 oracle database에 붙을 일이 자주 생겨서..
backtrack에서 쓸만한 GUI 클라이언트가 있나 찾아보니 razorsql 이란게 있더라.
다른 OS도 지원하고인터페이스도 깔끔하니 자바기반이라 설치할 필요없이 쓸 수 있어 추천.
유료 툴이라 30일 사용 기간이 있으니 알아서들..
SSDT & SSDT shadow restore (0) | 2014.02.12 |
Optimus G Pro(F240) rooting (0) | 2013.07.12 |
Ubuntu 12.10 에서 libboost1.48-all-dev 가 설치 되지 않을 때 (3) | 2013.02.14 |
how to set debug environment for android (0) | 2012.09.14 |
oracle sql injection with rownum (0) | 2011.09.01 |
Shellcode site (0) | 2009.09.29 |
hey JJAAPPPHH ~ (4) | 2009.08.17 |
hey JaPH (1) | 2009.08.12 |
6회 kisa 해킹방어대회 6번 (0) | 2009.07.09 |
ABI (Application Binary Interface) (0) | 2009.03.17 |
/etc/apt/sources 에 다음 저장소를 추가해주면 됨.
deb precise main universe
설치 안되서 한참 헤멤 아오 빡쳐
SSDT & SSDT shadow restore (0) | 2014.02.12 |
Optimus G Pro(F240) rooting (0) | 2013.07.12 |
Linux Oracle GUI client (0) | 2013.05.15 |
how to set debug environment for android (0) | 2012.09.14 |
oracle sql injection with rownum (0) | 2011.09.01 |
Shellcode site (0) | 2009.09.29 |
hey JJAAPPPHH ~ (4) | 2009.08.17 |
hey JaPH (1) | 2009.08.12 |
6회 kisa 해킹방어대회 6번 (0) | 2009.07.09 |
ABI (Application Binary Interface) (0) | 2009.03.17 |
SSDT & SSDT shadow restore (0) | 2014.02.12 |
Optimus G Pro(F240) rooting (0) | 2013.07.12 |
Linux Oracle GUI client (0) | 2013.05.15 |
Ubuntu 12.10 에서 libboost1.48-all-dev 가 설치 되지 않을 때 (3) | 2013.02.14 |
how to set debug environment for android (0) | 2012.09.14 |
Shellcode site (0) | 2009.09.29 |
hey JJAAPPPHH ~ (4) | 2009.08.17 |
hey JaPH (1) | 2009.08.12 |
6회 kisa 해킹방어대회 6번 (0) | 2009.07.09 |
ABI (Application Binary Interface) (0) | 2009.03.17 |
제목 그대로 shellcode에 대한 사이트. : : -> 없어짐 :
Projectshellcode :
Optimus G Pro(F240) rooting (0) | 2013.07.12 |
Linux Oracle GUI client (0) | 2013.05.15 |
Ubuntu 12.10 에서 libboost1.48-all-dev 가 설치 되지 않을 때 (3) | 2013.02.14 |
how to set debug environment for android (0) | 2012.09.14 |
oracle sql injection with rownum (0) | 2011.09.01 |
hey JJAAPPPHH ~ (4) | 2009.08.17 |
hey JaPH (1) | 2009.08.12 |
6회 kisa 해킹방어대회 6번 (0) | 2009.07.09 |
ABI (Application Binary Interface) (0) | 2009.03.17 |
Nefif_rx (0) | 2009.03.17 |
Oops, sorry for late.
0x080483b4 <main+0>: push %ebp
0x080483b5 <main+1>: mov %esp,%ebp
0x080483b7 <main+3>: sub $0xa8,%esp extended 168
0x080483bd <main+9>: and $0xfffffff0,%esp
0x080483c0 <main+12>: mov $0x0,%eax
0x080483c5 <main+17>: sub %eax,%esp
0x080483c7 <main+19>: cmpl $0x1,0x8(%ebp) agrc is at ebp+8
0x080483cb <main+23>: jg 0x80483d9 <main+37> if(agrc < 1)
0x080483cd <main+25>: movl $0x1,0xffffff74(%ebp) return 1;
0x080483d7 <main+35>: jmp 0x8048413 <main+95>
0x080483d9 <main+37>: mov 0xc(%ebp),%eax argv is at ebp+12
0x080483dc <main+40>: add $0x4,%eax address of argv + 4 means argv[1]
0x080483df <main+43>: mov (%eax),%eax eax = *argv[1]
0x080483e1 <main+45>: mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
0x080483e5 <main+49>: lea 0xffffff78(%ebp),%eax eax = ebp-136
0x080483eb <main+55>: mov %eax,(%esp)
0x080483ee <main+58>: call 0x80482d4 <strcpy@plt> so call strcpy(ebp-136, argv[1])
0x080483f3 <main+63>: lea 0xffffff78(%ebp),%eax
0x080483f9 <main+69>: mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
0x080483fd <main+73>: movl $0x8048524,(%esp)
0x08048404 <main+80>: call 0x80482b4 <printf@plt> printf("%s", ebp-136)
0x08048409 <main+85>: movl $0x0,0xffffff74(%ebp)
0x08048413 <main+95>: mov 0xffffff74(%ebp),%eax return 0;
0x08048419 <main+101>: leave
0x0804841a <main+102>: ret
Have you checked the stack in gdb? I can`t see [?3] in disassembled code.
Stack looks like this IMAO.
argv ebp + 0C
argc ebp + 8
return address ebp + 4
dummy 8bytes
buf 128byes
Stack was extened 168 bytes, but it only uses 140bytes.
(dunno why extened 168bytes. i think that it`s up to the version of compiler, or something else. :$)
Linux Oracle GUI client (0) | 2013.05.15 |
Ubuntu 12.10 에서 libboost1.48-all-dev 가 설치 되지 않을 때 (3) | 2013.02.14 |
how to set debug environment for android (0) | 2012.09.14 |
oracle sql injection with rownum (0) | 2011.09.01 |
Shellcode site (0) | 2009.09.29 |
hey JaPH (1) | 2009.08.12 |
6회 kisa 해킹방어대회 6번 (0) | 2009.07.09 |
ABI (Application Binary Interface) (0) | 2009.03.17 |
Nefif_rx (0) | 2009.03.17 |
usleep에 대해서 (0) | 2009.01.08 |
My english is quite bad. :( I hope you understand me.
U can change the excutive flow by overwriting some func`s return address with your own code.
So basic BoF needs 2 points. Return address and shellcode`s one.
1.Check the program`s stack layout. usually EBP + 4 is Return address.
esp is the edge of the stack. (ex. In GDB, by typing "X/16x $esp", u can see stack)
2. I made it.
3. Actually, the first line is shellcode.
Let`s look below the line
void main()
int *ret; //declare variable
ret =(int *)&ret + 2;
// &ret means ret`s address and casted to integer point
// so "+2" ---> "+(int *)x2" -------> "+(4bytes)x2" = "+8bytes."
// Think it as stack
high address
return address +8
ebp +4
ret here is ret
low address
// U got it? It overwrites Main function`s return address.
*ret = shell;
// return address is pointed by ret. so shellcode will be excuted.
This source is just for test that shellcode is whether to work or not.
Ubuntu 12.10 에서 libboost1.48-all-dev 가 설치 되지 않을 때 (3) | 2013.02.14 |
how to set debug environment for android (0) | 2012.09.14 |
oracle sql injection with rownum (0) | 2011.09.01 |
Shellcode site (0) | 2009.09.29 |
hey JJAAPPPHH ~ (4) | 2009.08.17 |
6회 kisa 해킹방어대회 6번 (0) | 2009.07.09 |
ABI (Application Binary Interface) (0) | 2009.03.17 |
Nefif_rx (0) | 2009.03.17 |
usleep에 대해서 (0) | 2009.01.08 |
strtok_r (0) | 2008.09.29 |
how to set debug environment for android (0) | 2012.09.14 |
oracle sql injection with rownum (0) | 2011.09.01 |
Shellcode site (0) | 2009.09.29 |
hey JJAAPPPHH ~ (4) | 2009.08.17 |
hey JaPH (1) | 2009.08.12 |
ABI (Application Binary Interface) (0) | 2009.03.17 |
Nefif_rx (0) | 2009.03.17 |
usleep에 대해서 (0) | 2009.01.08 |
strtok_r (0) | 2008.09.29 |
this is RAM (0) | 2008.08.21 |