hey JaPH
My english is quite bad. :( I hope you understand me.
U can change the excutive flow by overwriting some func`s return address with your own code.
So basic BoF needs 2 points. Return address and shellcode`s one.
1.Check the program`s stack layout. usually EBP + 4 is Return address.
esp is the edge of the stack. (ex. In GDB, by typing "X/16x $esp", u can see stack)
2. I made it.
3. Actually, the first line is shellcode.
Let`s look below the line
void main()
int *ret; //declare variable
ret =(int *)&ret + 2;
// &ret means ret`s address and casted to integer point
// so "+2" ---> "+(int *)x2" -------> "+(4bytes)x2" = "+8bytes."
// Think it as stack
high address
return address +8
ebp +4
ret here is ret
low address
// U got it? It overwrites Main function`s return address.
*ret = shell;
// return address is pointed by ret. so shellcode will be excuted.
This source is just for test that shellcode is whether to work or not.